UniFET MOSFET is Fairchild Semiconductor's high voltage MOSFET family. It has the smallest on-state resistance among the planar MOSFETs, and also provides superior switching performance and higher avalanche energy strength. In addition, the internal gate
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Περιγραφή είδους
UniFET MOSFET is Fairchild Semiconductor's high voltage MOSFET family. It has the smallest on-state resistance among the planar MOSFETs, and also provides superior switching performance and higher avalanche energy strength. In addition, the internal gateUniFET MOSFET is Fairchild Semiconductor's high voltage MOSFET family. It has the smallest on-state resistance among the planar MOSFETs, and also provides superior switching performance and higher avalanche energy strength. In addition, the internal gate-source ESD diode allows UniFET-II MOSFET to withstand over 2000V HBM surge stress.
UniFET MOSFETs are suitable for switching power converter applications, such as power factor correction (PFC), flat panel display (FPD) TV power, ATX (Advanced Technology eXtended) and electronic lamp ballasts.
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